Friday, January 16, 2009

Here Goes!

Welcome to anyone that might be interested in what I have to say. I guess the best place to start would be to tell you all a little about myself.

First off I grew up in a very small community in North Central Texas by the name of Electra, TX.. I married my high school sweetheart (still married) and join the USAF in 1976 (retired in 1996). I have three sons and four (they're the best!) grandchildren. I am currently working on my second retirement at the VAMC in Little Rock.

Growing up in a small town I have a tendency to have small town values and conservative opinions. However, with 20 years of military I also have a tendency from time to time to put a liberal twist on some of those conservative opinions. I love God, family, and friends in that order. I have a very soft spot in my heart for this countries veterans. I come from a veteran rich family dating back as far as the civil war right on up to the current war. I believe our countries great asset are the men and women that serve her in the military. I am a sports enthusiast. I referee football, I play golf and I love to hunt and fish. You will find that my favorite college teams are teams located in Arkansas (especially the Razorbacks) and my favorite professional teams are the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers, both of which have been a big disappointment lately.

Anyway, that's the brief version of who I am. I will try to make daily post and hope that you will join me in the adventure. As I learn more about how to work this blog I will add links and various other items. The two blog sites that got me started in this stuff are the site of a very dear friend of mine, and Buck whom I met through her site. So be sure to visit Lou at her site as well at and Buck at .

PS. I will be away from a computer this weekend so my next post will probably have to wait until Monday, but be sure to check it out then.


Buck said...

Great start, Dale! And thanks for the linky-lurve!!

Dale said...

Thanks Buck! I know that I will learn as I go and hopefully give the readers a worth while blog to read!